Jen Denzin

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Jen Denzin is a dynamic contemporary artist renowned for her immersive installations. Her latest work, Alpha + Omega (NAS, May 2024), drew inspiration from the 11th-century abbess and polymath Hildegard von Bingen, particularly von Bingen's cosmic egg, a symbol of the origin of life and eternity. Alpha + Omega featured this cosmic egg alongside a crashed meteor and blinking disco party pickles, showcasing Denzin's ability to blend humor with conceptual depth. Using humble materials like cable ties and tinsel, her work is influenced by a diverse range of sources, from filmmaker Yasujirō Ozu and fashion icons Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen to the 70km of catacombs under Rome, where she finds divinity in bones encrusted with jewels.
Denzin’s maximalist aesthetic follows the adage, "if in doubt, add more color." Her installations are a vibrant exploration of faith, philosophy, life, death, eternity, the sacred, and the profane, all intertwined with pop culture references. Each element of her exhibitions is meticulously crafted to be an integral part of the whole, creating experiences that are both thought-provoking and playfully immersive.
@jen_denzin_ creates installations from found objects to reclaimed plastics. Her work involves transforming spaces into new and extraordinary worlds